is a website founded by a group of breakfast enthusiasts who believe that breakfast is not only the most delicious, but also most important meal of the day.

We have a team of dedicated writers and contributors who are interested in developing and curating content around the food they love.

Breakfast Menus is your number one go to source for all “Breakfast” related information, such as restaurant menus, restaurant updates, and news.

In this website you will also find full breakfast menus along with current prices, nutrition facts such as calories and carbs in each meal, and other information we may deem useful and necessary to our users.

Even though our main focus is providing up to date breakfast menu information from the top restaurants and fast-food chains around the country, we also specialize in providing the latest trends and news about all things breakfast.

We work very hard to keep you up to date with the latest and most important information. We are able to provide such information by visiting each restaurant’s website and food blogs that provide breakfast news, trends, and breakfast culture. However, from time to time, an article or other important information may slip our attention, specially if it’s published on website that doesn’t normally offer food related content.

In such cases, you should give us a heads up if you think that the missing information is crucial to both our website and its users. You can get in touch with us via email or through our contact form located on our Contact Us page.

Also, you can subscribe to our exclusive mailing list to get updates via email or through social media. If you ever get tired of receiving our emails, you can unsubscribe whenever you want. If you wish to stay subscribed, there’s nothing to worry about, because we are one of the few companies out there that does not spam its users. We have a tight privacy policy here, you can learn more about it here.

We hope you enjoy our site and get heaps of mouthwatering information. Wish you all the best.